Dog show postponed
Dear participants of the dog show "Club Winner 2020",
due to the national emergency declared in Latvia until 12.05.2020. Latvian Hunting dogs club planned dog show "Club Winner 2020" shall be postponed to 18.07.2020. Please, kindly inform our club until 15.04.2020 if you would like to keep your registration and postpone it for the July, or you would like to cancel your entry and receive your entry fee refund (if the one was made).
Latvian Hunting Dogs club
Jaunsuņu pārbaude putnusuņiem un spanieliem
Apsveicam uzvarētājus un sacensību dalībniekus!
Congratulations to all participants and winners!
1./2. Ungāru vižla (īssp.) SHILLA LINE FLASH īp. M. Peretyatko, RUS, LV, 1. pakāpe, 100 punkti
1./2. Ungāru vižla (īssp.) ERRANDO FELICE BELLALOTTE CANE, īp. E. Bramanis, LV 1. pakāpe, 100 punkti
3. Angļu seters NOTA DU PARC DES CHAUMES , īp. R. Andžāns, LV, 1. pakāpe, 96 punkti
4. Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns ARROW TISKI RIT īp. I. Jonaitis, LV 1. pakāpe, 93 punkti
5. Ungāru vižla (īssp.) TARCHAN OF BERŽORAS, īp. S. Vanaga, LV, 1. pakāpe, 89 punkti
6. Vācu asspalvainais putnusuns NIGHT FORCE WALKER īp. J. Brigmanis, LV, 1. pakāpe, 88 punkti
7. Ungāru vižla (īssp.) ECROSS INTERO BELLALOTTE CANE, īp. D. Pālēna & M. Dukaļska, LV 1. pakāpe, 87 punkti
8. Ungāru vižla (īssp.) MARGARET OF SKYROCKET īp. E. Moldau, EE, 1. pakāpe, 86 punkti
9. Ungāru vižla (īssp.) HALSTON XY, īp. O. Zholik, RUS, 2. pakāpe, 79 punkti
10. Veimārietis (īssp.) NORETE STELLA GRISEO , īp. A. Dedzis, LV , 2. pakāpe, 77 punkti
11. Vācu asspalvainais putnusuns GRACE FANTASTIC OF MIKI īp. I. Reņģe, LV 2. pakāpe, 74 punkti
12. Veimārietis (īssp.) EXTREMELY BELOVED HUMAN TOUCH , īp. B. Soloveja & A. Rannaste , 3. pakāpe, 77 punkti
13. Veimārietis (īssp.) FANTOM INDIGO DIOR, īp. V. Spārberga, LV , 3. pakāpe, 74 punkti
14. Ungāru vižla (īssp.) HOSTA HARISMA TURMERIC, īp. Rumjancevi D. & Ē. ,LV , 3. pakāpe, 65 punkti
15./16. Veimārietis (īssp.) NIKKO NEVORS STELLA GRISEO, īp. D. Buša, LV, 3. pakāpe, 64 punkti
15./16. Krievu spaniels CEZDEBOYAR AMUR, īp. M. Stockis, LV, 3. pakāpe, 64 punkti
Veimārietis (īssp.) KLER GRAY AMBER, īp. Dz. Brants, LV bez novērtējuma
Veimārietis (īssp.) JOGGY JAMPER DANTARIO , īp. J . Logina, LV, bez novērtējuma
Angļu pointers WEIMPOINT SLOW SHOW SHIMMER, īp. M. Virula & K.Pilatuš , EE, bez novērtējuma
05., 06.10.2019. Field competition for pointing dogs (2 x CACT)
Location: Vecumnieku pag., Vecumnieki, z/s ‘’Stieņi’’ teritorija
Start: at 09:30
Registration: at 9.00
Judges: M. Veskov ( Serbia) , K. Veskov (Serbia), J.Štrekkere (Latvia)
Entry fees (1 day ) :
- LHDC club members EUR 40,00 per dog
- Other FCI Latvia club members EUR 45,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 50,00 per dog
Membership checks - by prior appointment!
Please send This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:
- copy of pedigree
- the completed application
- guarantee letter: there
Since it is a two-day event, nice relaxation with a sauna is planned in the evening at the guesthouse ‘’Satekas’’. There will be able to stay the night with a small extra fee.
Contacts :
Places are limited! You can apply until 02.10.2019. or the maximum amount of participators is reached.
Information by phone: +371 29425926!
Jaunsuņu pārbaude putnusuņiem un spanieliem
2019. g. “1.“ jūnijā, Babīte
Apsveicam uzvarētājus un sacensību dalībniekus!
- Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns GAYANA KAJMINIA īp. K. Gribovskis, LV 1. pakāpe, 100 punkti
- Vācu asspalvainais putnusuns GLORY BONUM VENANDI īp. B. Blūma, LV 1. pakāpe, 96 punkti
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) GRAVIS IGNIS GLORIA īp. L. Celmāra, LV, 1. pakāpe, 95 punkti
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) ENZO HARLEY BELLALOTTE CANE, īp. T. E. Grīnvalds, LV 1. pakāpe, 83 punkti
- Vācu asspalvainais putnusuns GIVI BONUM VENANDI īp. A. Telichko, RUS 1. pakāpe, 82 punkti
- Angļu pointers SAREGRESI VENTULUS LITTLE PIRATE īp. M. Virula , EE 2. pakāpe, 79 punkti
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) ECROSS INTERO BELLALOTTE CANE, īp. D. Pālēna & M. Dukaļska, LV 2. pakāpe, 78 punkti
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) SOMLOHEGYI CEFRE, īp. B. Soloveja, LV, 2. pakāpe, 77 punkti
- Krievu spaniels CEZDEBOYAR AURA, īp. A. Skorohodovs, 2. pakāpe, 76 punkti
- Veimārietis (īssp.) KORA GRAY AMBER, īp. J. Dupats, LV 3. pakāpe, 61 punkts
- Veimārietis (īssp.) GRAVIS IGNIS VALETTA , īp. D. Protčenko, LV , 48 punkti, bez diploma
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) SHILLA LINE ERSY īp. D. Protčenko, LV, bez diploma
01.06.2019. Hunt test – gundogs and spaniels test for young dogs
Location: Laivu bāze ‘’Dālderi’’, Babīte, Babīte district
Start: at 10:00
Registration: at 9.45
Judges: J.Štrekkere, P. Zvaigzne, A. Zvaigzne
Entry fees:
- LMSK club members EUR 25,00 per dog
- Other FCI club members EUR 30,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 35,00 per dog
Membership checks — by prior appointment!
Please send This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:
- copy of pedigree
- the completed application
- guarantee letter
Information and how to apply by phone. +371 22380280!
Dogs age from 6 till 24 months.
Places are limited! You can apply until 29.05.2019. or the maximum amount of participators is reached.