22 October 2023, Bloodtracking test (Level 1)
~ for various hunting breeds with the skill of tracking wounded game
Location: Ķekavas district
Start: at 11:00
Registration: at 10:45
Judge: J.Štrekkere (LV), N.Borodajenko (LV)
Entry fees:
- LMSK and other LKF club members EUR 40,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 45,00 per dog
Please send registerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:
- copy of pedigree;
- the completed application form;
- guarantee letter.
Information and how to apply by phone. +371 29272444!
You can apply latest until the 19.10.2023 or when the maximum of participants is reached.
Places are limited!
22.10.2023., ĶEKAVAS NOVADS
1. Russian spaniel DIAMOND CEZDEBOYAR, own. I. Kilbloka, LV – I degree, 95 points
2. Bavarian mountain hound PIONERY RIAI JAKIRA, own. I.Čuhnova-Rancāne, LV - I degree, 95 points
3. German shorthaired pointer STJARNBERGETS ABL MIRACH, own. B. Fredriksson, SE – I degree, 87 points
4. Dachshund smooth- haired rabbit ALLURING STAR VONDER, own. M. Kasirova, EE – I degree, 84 points
5. Smooth fox terrier KIVVI KASS PUMA BERGHOUSE FOX, own. E. Berga, LV - I degree, 81 points
6. Dachshund smooth- haired CHELSEA VIVAVINI DACH, own. V. Nagurnaja, LV - II degree, 76 points
7. Smooth fox terrier KISS OF LUCK BERGHOUSE FOX, own. E. Berga, LV - III degree, 63 points
8. German wirehaired pointer ŽEMAITIJOS DRATAS BEILA, own. T. Asaciova-Gelziniene, LT – III degree, 62 points
9. Dachshund smooth- haired rabbit RYZHAYA BESTIYA S TRETEY, own. M. Kasirova, EE – III degree, 61 points
10. Dachshund miniature smooth- haired ELITE VOM TWEELER HOF, own. T. Asaciova-Gelziniene, LT – III degree, 60 points
11. German wirehaired pointer BIRMA, own. P. Andriunas, LT – without diploma
08.10.2023. Hunt test – gundogs and spaniels test for young dogs
Location: Laivu bāze ‘’Dālderi’’, Babīte, Babīte district
Time: at 11:00 (individual time for each participant's group)
Judges: J.Štrekkere, A. Zvaigzne
Entry fees (only letter of guarantee):
- LMSK club members EUR 25,00 per dog
- Other FCI club members EUR 30,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 35,00 per dog
Membership checks - by prior appointment!
Pirmā grupa/ The first group
1. Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer (Vizsla) ANNILAT'ZI ELEGANT EARL ENZO, own. E. Bērziņa& L. Blumberga, LV, I degree, 100 points
2. Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer (Vizsla) BELLALOTTE CANE FARGO FJORDS, own. A. Patmalnieks, LV, I degree, 92 points
3. Gordon setter GOLD WING RACER MANON LESCAUT, īp. K. Drevinska, LV, II degree, 78 points
4. Welsh springer spaniel CRAGEN DORMARCH, own. E. Zaķe-Kļaviņa, LV, II degree, 75 points
5. Weimaraner (short-haired) TESSA TORA ARCANE WISP, own. J. Petrova, LV, II degree, 74 points
6. Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer (Vizsla) BELLALOTTE CANE FAGO FELLINI, own. A. Miezīte, L, II degree, 70 points
7. Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer (Vizsla) BELLALOTTE CANE FARRO FRODO, own. E. Rolle, LV, III degree, 70 points
8. Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer (Vizsla)) BELLALOTTE CANE GOLDEN LEO, own. R. Heinrihsone, LV, III degree, 69 points
9. Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer (Vizsla) BELLALOTTE CANE HUDDY HOLMS, own. D. Pālena, LV, without diploma
10. Irish Red setter RUNNING SOUL AMBRO,own. K. Zariņa, without diploma
Otrā grupa / The second group
1. German shorthaired pointing dog RUBY LILY ŽALČIO MOTE, own. S. Vilsone, LV, I degree, 90 points
2. German shorthaired pointing dog ARABEL REX DANAI, own. M. Smetankins, LV, I degree, 88 points
3. German wire- haired pointing dog JACCO COOPER GRACEFLIX, own. K. Zariņš, LV, II degree, 79 points
4. German wire- haired pointing dog JONATHAN COOPER GRACEFLIX, own. I. Briedis, LV, II degree, 79 points
5. German shorthaired pointing dog KARPATEN IRBIS AMADEUS, own. I. Liepiņa-Puķe, LV, II degree, 77 points
6. Russian spaniel CEZDEBOYAR DORRY, own. J. Kazerovskis, LV, II degree, 73 points
7. English setter WHITE ZEUS LOFTY, own. I. Vasiļkova, LV, III degree, 61 points
8. Weimaraner (short-haired) ULLE ULVRIKA ULFERRO TEAM, own. J. Logina, LV, III degree, 60 points
9. Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer (Vizsla) ADELA RUBY AURORA FLARE, own. K. Jansone, LV, 75 points, without diploma
10. Weimaraner (short-haired) D'ARGENTO VIEN GET THE PARTY STARTED, own. I. Ļedaka, LV, 55 points, without diploma
11. Weimaraner (short-haired) SILVER FALCON CRIXUS, own. O. Tambergs, LV, 39 points, without diploma
20 August 2023, National competition – BLOODTRACKING (except specialized breeds), CACT, 2 level (12-16 hours)
~ for various hunting breeds with the skill of tracking wounded game, 2 level (12-16 hours)
Location: Ķekavas district
Judges: N. Borodajenko (LV), J.Štrekkere (LV)
Entry fees:
- LMSK and other LKF club members EUR 45,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 50,00 per dog
Start: at 09:00
Registration: at 08:45
Please send This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:
1. copy of pedigree
2. the completed application form
3. guarantee letter
Only with guarantee letters.
Information and how to apply by phone. +371 29272444!
Places are limited!
20.08.2023., ĶEKAVAS NOVADS
1. Russian spaniel OGA ČIEPA GUCHESS, own. E. Švēde, LV – I degree, 81 points, CACT certificate
2. Russian spaniel BARON CEZDEBOYAR, own. J. Jasons, LV – II degree, 74 points
3. German Wirehaired Pointer ERCO VON KIESOW, īp. L. Dombrovska, LV – III degree, 72 points
4. Chesapeake Bay Retriever ANDY FLINT BIRA BROMAHI, own. G.Kļavinskis, LV – III degree, 64 points
5. Smooth Fox Terrier KIVVI KASS PUMA BERGHOUSE FOX, own. E. Berga, LV – without diploma
6. Dachshund smooth- haired COOPER LEE INDIGO DACH, own. A. Kudrjavceva, LV – without diploma
06 August 2023, National competition – BLOODTRACKING (for specialized breeds), CACT, 2 level (12-16 hours)
Location: Ķekavas district
Judges: Jeļena Štrekkere (LV), Vita Jurgone (LV)
Entry fees:
- LMSK and other LKF club members EUR 45,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 50,00 per dog
Start: at 09:00
Registration: at 08:45
Please send This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:
1. copy of pedigree
2. the completed application form
3. guarantee letter
Only with guarantee letters.
Information and how to apply by phone. +371 29272444!
Places are limited!
09 July 2023 - Latvian Hunting dog club dog show "DIANA CUP 2023" (CAC)
See you next time at Hunting breeds specialty dog show "CLUB WINNER 2024" (CAC)
Sincerely Latvian Hunting dog club
FCI Group 5 section 2 (northern hunting dogs), Group 6 (hounds), Group 7 (all breeds), Group 8 (only German spaniel) and Group 0 (hunting dogs).
Judge Zsuzsanna Balogh (Hungary), judge CV here
Show committee keeps the right to change the judge if necessary!
Date: July 09, 2023
Place: Vecumnieki, v/n ‘’Satekas ‘’ territory
LMSK un citi LKF biedri *par katru nākamo suni |
Foreign participants *second dog of the same owner |
Visas klases | mazuļi (4-6 mēn.), kucēni un veterāni |
Konkursi | All classes | baby class (4-6 mon), puppies and veterans |
Competitions | |
Līdz 31.05. | EUR 25 (*23) | EUR 15 | EUR 10 | EUR 30 (*28) | EUR 20 | EUR 15 |
01.06.-13.06. | EUR 30 (*28) | EUR 15 | EUR 10 | EUR 35 (*33) | EUR 20 | EUR 15 |
14.06.-25.06. | EUR 35 (*33) | EUR 15 | EUR 10 | EUR 40 (*38) | EUR 20 | EUR 15 |
Documents what you need for registration:
1. A copy of export Pedigree with the identification – ONLY MICROCHIP.
2. A copy of the Champion certificate, if the dog will be entered in the Champion class.
3. A copy of the International working trial certificate if the dog will be entered in the Working Class.
4. A copy of the Guarantee letter. You can download the Guarantee letter by clicking here.
When all documents are received by us, we will send You confirmation about registration to our show(s).
If you didn't get Confirmation during 6 days, please contact us on e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.