06 July 2024, Bloodtracking test (Level 1)
~ for various hunting breeds with the skill of tracking wounded game
Location: Ķekavas district
Start: at 11:00
Registration: at 10:45
Main judge: V.Jurgone (LV)
Judge: J.Štrekkere (LV)
Entry fees:
- LMSK and other LKF club members EUR 40,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 45,00 per dog
Please send registerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:
- copy of pedigree;
- the completed application form;
- guarantee letter.
Information and how to apply by phone. +371 29272444!
You can apply latest until the 30.05.2024 or when the maximum of participants is reached.
Places are limited!
06.07.2024., ĶEKAVAS NOVADS
1. Louisiana catahoula SLIMANS MIAMI, own. M. Necka, LV – I degree, 92 points
2. German wirehaired pointer ŽEMAITIJOS DRATAS BEILA, own. T. Asaciova-Gelziniene, LT – I degree, 89 points
3. Bavarian mountain hound APOLLON NORTH FANG, own. D. Liepiņš, LV – II degree, 79 points
26 May 2024 - Field trial for pointing dogs (CACT)
Grupa 1
- Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns ARABEL REX CAPTAIN, īp. J. Zvaigzne, LV, 1. pakāpe, 98 punkti, CACT
- Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns CALIPSO BLUMPOINT , īp. L. Mantiņa, LV, 1. pakāpe 93 punkti, RCACT
- Veimāriets (īssp) INDIANA JONES SAULES DĀRZI, īp. A. Kuzņecova, LV, 3. pakāpe, 81 punkts
- Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns, STJĀRNBERGETS ABL MIRACH, īp.B. Fredriksson,LV, 3. pakape, 79 punkti
- Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns CARPATEN IRBIS AMADEUS, īp. I. Liepiņa-Puķe, LV, 3. pakāpe, 75 punkti
- Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns ARABEL REX DECAMERON, īp. S. Eglīte, LV, 59 punkti, bez diploma
- Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns ARABEL REX DANAI, īp. M. Smetankins, LV 51 punkts, bez diploma
- Veimāriets (īssp) MELANI ALKANTO BLUM īp. I. Ļedaka, LV , 48 punkti, bez diploma
Grupa 2
- Vācu asspalvainais putnusuns, JACCO COOPER GRACEFLIX, īp. K. Zariņš, LV 1. pakāpe, 94 punkti, CACT
- Angļu pointers SAREGRESI OUR SKY IS MAGNETIC īp. N. Jentkiene, LV, 1. pakāpe, 91 punkts, RCACT
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) BELLALOTTE CANE FLĒRA FJŪ īp. I. Krustiņa, LV, 2. pakāpe, 73 punkti
- Vācu asspalvainais putnusuns EGERMASTER COLT STALKER II, īp.G.T. Triškin EE, 76 punkti, bez diploma
- Vācu asspalvainais putnusuns, ERCO VON KIESOW, īp. L. Dombrovska, LV, bez vērtējuma
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) ANNILAT’ZI ELEGANT EARL ENZO, īp. L. Blumberga & E. Bērziņa, LV, bez vērtējuma
Grupa 3
- Veimārietis (īssp) EXTREMELY BELOVED HUMAN TOUCH, īp. A. Rannaste EE, 2. pakāpe 79 punkti
- Veimāriets (īssp) ZETTA VICTORY STELLA GRISEO īp. N. Zarkeviča, LV, 2. pakāpe, 78 punkti
- Vācu īsspalvainais putnusuns SOLERO MOON EYES, īp. G. Mickeviče, LT, 68 punkti, bez diploma
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) SAINT HUGO MAŽAS BROLIS īp. Dz. Kļaviņa, LV, 61 punkts, bez diploma
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) FINSKYRA KAIRA KAIROS TWINSET, īp. D. Odnoroga, LV, 45 punkti, bez diploma
- Ungāru vižla (īssp.) BELLALOTTE CANE FARRO FRODO, īp. E.L. Rolle, LV, bez vērtējuma
25.05.2024. Hunt test – gundogs and spaniels test for young dogs
Location: Laivu bāze ‘’Dālderi’’, Babīte, Babīte district
Time: at 11:00 (individual time for each participant's group)
Judge: J.Štrekkere
Practice: A.Fjodorovs
Entry fees (only letter of guarantee):
- LMSK club members EUR 25,00 per dog
- Other FCI club members EUR 30,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 35,00 per dog
Membership checks - by prior appointment!
Please send This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">rThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:
- copy of pedigree
- the completed application
- guarantee letter
Information and how to apply by phone. +371 29425926!
Dogs age from 6 till 36 months.
You can apply until 22.05.2024.or when the maximum of participants is reached.
06, 07 April 2024 Hunting dogs breeding selection on wild boar
Location: Eglaine, Inčukalns, Latvia
Start: at 10:00
Registration: at 09:30
Judges: J.Štrekkere, I.Vilks
06.04.2024 the main judge is J.Štrek07.04.2024., INČUKALNS
1. Dachshund wire-haired SOKKAIRTI, own. Mari-Ann Rehk, EE – I degree, 95 points CACT certificate
2. Gray norwegian elkhound ARES RATFELDER, own. Mārtiņš Krauklis, LV- I degree, 94 points, R.CACT certificate
3. Slovakian hound EGGO Z TERCHOVSKEJ DOLINY, own. Ilgvars Kvant, LV- I degree, 90 points
4. Gray norwegian elkhound ARKAN RATFELDER, own. Jānis Irbe, LV - I degree, 87 points
5. Gray norwegian elkhound RIISTANKAUHUN IZZY, own. Toms Lamba, LV - II degree, 82 points
6. Slovakian hound DINO Z TANCOVEJ, own. Kristaps Putno, LV- III degree, 75 points
7. Finnish spitz RASAKELLO, own. Jogita Berce, LV - III degree, 60 points
8. Gray norwegian elkhound KALIFJELL'S TIGRA, own. J. Freimanis, LV- III degree, 60 points
9. Dachshund wire-haired HIRVEKUTT EJ HARRI'S, own. Mari-Ann Rehk, EE - without diploma
10. Bavarian mountain hound NORA FOREST PAW, own. Artis Kapenieks, LV- without diploma
11. Slovakian hound FREIJA Z TERCHOVSKEJ DOLINY, own. Gvido Ķepītis, LV- without diplomakere
07.04.2024 the main judge is I.Vilks
Entry fees (for one day):
- LMSK club members EUR 35,00 per dog
- Other FCI club members EUR 40,00 per dog
- Foreign participants EUR 50,00 per dog
Membership checks - by prior appointment!
Please send This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:
- copy of pedigree
- the completed application
- guarantee letter for payment
Information and how to apply by phone. +371 29272444!
Places are limited! You can apply latest until the maximum of participants is reached.
06.04.2024., INČUKALNS
1. Slovakian hound DINO Z TANCOVEJ, own. Kristaps Putno, LV- II degree, 82 points
2. Gray norwegian elkhound BLACKY RATFELDER, own. Intars Spīķis, LV - II degree, 79 points
3. West siberian laika ERRA SFORA SKARBIIEWSKA, own. Vitalijs Burens, LV- II degree, 79 points
4. Slovakian hound FREIJA Z TERCHOVSKEJ DOLINY, own. Gvido Ķepītis, LV- II degree, 79 points
5. West siberian laika VEGA, own. Vitalijs Burens, LV- II degree, 79 points
6. West siberian laika ROOSI, own. Jaanus Lind, EE - III degree, 70 points
7. Gray norwegian elkhound RIISTANKAUHUN IZZY, own. Toms Lamba, LV- III degree, 67 points
8. West siberian laika ATS, own. M.Pajumagi & Kristjan Karu, EE - III degree, 65 points
9. West siberian laika JINO SAVA GIRIA, own. Jaanus Lind, EE - III degree, 60 points
10. Finnish spitz RASAKELLO, own. Jogita Berce, LV - without diploma
11. German hunting terrier AINO INKERI PARRUM VENATOR, own. Niilo Juhana Reili, FI - without diploma
07.04.2024., INČUKALNS
1. Dachshund wire-haired SOKKAIRTI, own. Mari-Ann Rehk, EE – I degree, 95 points CACT certificate
2. Gray norwegian elkhound ARES RATFELDER, own. Mārtiņš Krauklis, LV- I degree, 94 points, R.CACT certificate
3. Slovakian hound EGGO Z TERCHOVSKEJ DOLINY, own. Ilgvars Kvant, LV- I degree, 90 points
4. Gray norwegian elkhound ARKAN RATFELDER, own. Jānis Irbe, LV - I degree, 87 points
5. Gray norwegian elkhound RIISTANKAUHUN IZZY, own. Toms Lamba, LV - II degree, 82 points
6. Slovakian hound DINO Z TANCOVEJ, own. Kristaps Putno, LV- III degree, 75 points
7. Finnish spitz RASAKELLO, own. Jogita Berce, LV - III degree, 60 points
8. Gray norwegian elkhound KALIFJELL'S TIGRA, own. J. Freimanis, LV- III degree, 60 points
9. Dachshund wire-haired HIRVEKUTT EJ HARRI'S, own. Mari-Ann Rehk, EE - without diploma
10. Bavarian mountain hound NORA FOREST PAW, own. Artis Kapenieks, LV- without diploma
11. Slovakian hound FREIJA Z TERCHOVSKEJ DOLINY, own. Gvido Ķepītis, LV- without diploma